Monday, June 2, 2014

The Month of May

May was our countdown month. Nate already had his flight plans for his internship in Vegas - so it was only a matter of time before he left me all alone in this little college town. We tried our best to live up the last few weeks we had together before being separated for the entire summer...

On the first Friday of every month, the city of Bryan becomes overrun by all sorts of bands and musicians and food trucks. Obviously we had to join in on the fun along with everyone else in the Bryan-College Station area.

Nate finally finished his classes for the semester! One year down, one to go!! His class went out to celebrate at a local bar and he dragged me along. We may or may not have witnessed one of his professors getting completely wasted...

Mother's Day was this month. Shout out to my awesome mom who put up with 5 very strange children for the last 25 years of her life. Honestly don't know how you did it, but I grow more and more grateful for you every single day. 

Our awesome friends April & Joey had a huge crawfish boil. The picture above was just some of the FIRST BATCH. Crawfish for daaays. 

They kept making fun of me because I had to thoroughly clean everything off the small piece of meat before putting it in my mouth. Fish guts. Yuck. I'm pretty sure my hands were stained red for the next 24 hours. But it was delicious and super fun :) 

We're blessed with a nice apartment with amenities galooore, so we've been BBQing a lot lately, and it's the best. Nate's a grill master.

We also decided that we could eat out as much as we wanted the last week Nate was here, so this is us finishing off our gigantic sandwiches from Central Market and a huge batch of mouth-watering french fries. (seriously my mouth is watering right now typing this)

Non-stop contruction right by our apartment. I swear construction projects follow us everywhere we live. It's a nightmare.

Sunday walks while it's still cool enough outside...and while I still have someone to walk with...

It rained the entire last week that Nate was here. I think Texas was just as sad as I was because we probably lost the same amount of water. 

In all seriousness though, this has probably been the hardest adjustment I've ever had to go through. I'm so pathetic. I have to admit, I've had a pretty nice life. I've had my fair share of heartache and trials, but this one takes the cake I think. Pray that I survive these next 10 weeks all by myself. 

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