Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wife of the year...or not

Oh how I love this sweet man of mine. 

I'm fairly certain Texas is just playing a big trick on us this week, but we've had perfect weather these last three days and I am welcoming fall with arms   w i d e  o p e n   

Since Nate's started school back up, life has been super crazy. When he's not working or in class, he's working on applications for fellowships. It's been an insane few weeks and I'm so ready for all these applications to be done with - mostly for Nathan's sake. 
He was so stressed at one point that he jokingly asked me to write his cover letter for him. Wellllll I kind of took him seriously one night while I was home alone. ++awesome wife points++

Unfortunately, those bonus points were quickly rejected when I ruined TWO pairs of Nate's pants. Pretty great, huh? It started when I forgot to tell Nate NOT to wash a pair of new jeans that I had hanging over the edge of the laundry hamper. Alas, as we were switching that load over to the dryer, we noticed way too many items of our clothing stained with blue dye. 

I immediately called my mom knowing in the back of my mind that this had happened to her once before. She told me to buy a package of color run remover and it would take out the blue dye no problem.

I followed the directions very carefully, but somehow didn't realize that the hot pink shirt I had in with the other items would get ripped of color along with all the spots of blue. Once the cycle was complete, not only were most of the blue stains gone, but all of the pink from the shirt as well....and wanna know where it went? Straight onto two pairs of Nate's pants.

That's right...I turned his pants pink. I was horrified and embarrased and just utterly confused. Surely my mom had the answer? I called her again and she simply said that another package of color remover should do the trick.

Commence cycle #2. In the end - the pink WAS removed, but so was most of the other color (brown) from pants. Instead of them being a nice dark khaki, they were now golden yellow. 



On a lighter note...I waited a solid year before ordering any wedding prints. And these aren't even prints, it's a book. But to be honestly, I only waited so long because I bought Walter Mitty a couple months ago and I got a free Shutterfly photo book out of it... if that wasn't included in the package, I'd still be photo-less. HA! I'm terrible.

This book turned out WAY better than I was expecting. I couldn't stop staring after I picked up it from the mailbox. So many happy, beautiful memories :)

Only because apparently I had been on the waiting list to get into Young Women's for like 6 months. Geez. So yes, I was immediately called as the Secretary/Personal Progress lady for YW. Holla!

I have no freakin idea what I'm doing, so feel free to send over any advice you may have. I have a feeling my Type A personality is going to get the best of me in this calling. I already went WAY overboard for a stupid ward party last month and it straight up ruined me. My expectations were on the roof and were very quickly stomped to the ground. Pray that I can make the best of this!! (AKA stop caring if everything is perfect)

Music recommendations as of late:

alt-J: This Is All Yours (album)
Broods: Four Walls (thx Kylie)
Echosmith: Cool Kids
Hozier: Someone New
Active Child: Silhouette (feat. Ellie Goulding)
Trevor Hall: Chapter Of The Forest (album)


  1. Girlie, don't be too hard on yourself. Being a perfectionist can really help in certain circumstances, but it can hurt us too. I knooow cause I'm one too. There's no such thing as a perfect person, and especially not a perfect wife or husband. :) But there's a lot of laughter and fun memories that come out of that imperfection. I'm lucky to know such an intelligent, kind and talented person as you. I hope you are always standing tall and strong and can acknowledge those things in yourself too. Live to please God first, yourself second, and everyone else last. You're a doll and I wish we could hang out more. Sending fireworks your way across the airwaves!

  2. Wait you are the cutest!

    Definitely following along from now on! :)
